At Simon Parsons & Co we protect your lifestyle and property in the event of a family breakdown or division of assets. We make sure the ones who count are protected and have the resources to get you a fast and fair result. We have experience in family law & defacto litigation.

Law council of Australia
http://www.lawcouncil.asn.au - National organisation of the law website
Find Law Australia
http://www.findlaw.com.au - Legal news, information and research groups across Australia
Law Institute Victoria
http://www.liv.asn.au - Legal information on different topics.
Legal Services Board
http://www.lsb.vic.gov.au - The peak independent regulator of the legal industry in Victoria.
http://www.comlaw.gov.au - Attorney-General's Department site for Commonwealth material is the most up-to-date, authoritative resourse for Commonwealth legislation.
Australian Legal Information Institute
http://www.austlii.edu.au - News, updates and latest cases
http://www.lawportal.com.au - Links legal resources on the web
Legal OnLine Victoria
http://www.legalonline.vic.gov.au - The Law "Clear and Simple" by the Victorian Government
Australian Law National Library
http://www.nla.gov.au/oz/law.html The one-stop shop for Australia's services for businesses and individuals
Victorian Legislation and Parliamentary Documents
http://www.legislation.vic.gov.au - Search options for Victorian Acts, Statutes. Rules, Bills under consideration and Victorian Hansard.
First Consultation Free
1A Barkly Street
Warragul, Victoria, AUST 3820
T. (03) 5622 2387
4 Sillet La
Sale, Victoria, AUST 3850
T. (03) 5144 7788