if you don’t fight... you lose
Has the dispute got out of control and the time to take action arrived? Are you being sued or want to sue someone?
When a dispute reaches the stage where your attempts to resolve it are falling on deaf ears, we can first assist you with direct negotiation and ensure where possible that some type of mediation is conducted prior to the hearing of any matter.
Litigation occurs when a legal problem has gone beyond verbal negotiations and court proceedings are threatened or have commenced. Regardless of whether you are the one who needs to take legal action or whether you need to defend, we will fight to protect your rights.
We can assist you with matters in:
Unfair termination/dismissal
Intervention orders
Domestic violence
Serious crime
Motor vehicle accident property damages
Drink driving and driver’s license matters
Compensation claims under victims of crime legislation
Recovering funds owed to you
Professional negligence claims
Property contracts and leases (verbal or written)
Building issues and permit problems with councils
Local and state government disputes
Farming disagreements
Superannuation claims
Insurance claims
Faulty products and services
If you have a problem or need protection - call us today.
Your first interview is free.

1A Barkly Street
Warragul, Victoria, AUST 3820
T. (03) 5622 2387
4 Sillet La
Sale, Victoria, AUST 3850
T. (03) 5144 7788